WI PARKS OPENING UP News | June 8, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy Wisconsin state parks are opening this week. The Department of Natural Resources is reopening campgrounds June 10th after reopening restrooms at…
PRIDE GOES VIRTUAL News | June 8, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy This year, Chippewa Valley Pride is going virtual. Typically, the Chippewa Valley LGBTQ-plus community center hosts a fair in Phoenix…
“SOY” AHEAD OF SCHEDULE News | June 8, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy Wisconsin soybean production is ahead of schedule. An agriculture educator with the University of Wisconsin Extension in La Crosse County says that 88-percent…
FLOYD MEMORIAL GROWS News | June 8, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy The Minneapolis City Council is planning to dismantle their city’s police department. Mark Mayfield explains. As demonstrations continue, those on…
DEMONSTRATIONS CONTINUE News | June 8, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy The first court appearance for the former Minneapolis police officer charged with murdering George Floyd is scheduled today. Derek Chauvin…
WI CORONAVIRUS TESTING NUMBERS News | June 8, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy The number of people testing both positive and negative for the coronavirus in Wisconsin continues to grow. The state’s Department of Health…
THE BACKPACKS WILL BE BACK News | June 8, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy Students will come back to the Chippewa Valley this fall. The UW System on Friday said UW Eau Claire, Stout,…
TEACHERS UNION CALLS FOR REMOVAL OF SCHOOL OFFICERS News | June 8, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy In the halls of school, there is a different message as police officers may soon be no longer welcome in…
LAWMAKERS CALL FOR PROTECTION AT CAPITOL News | June 8, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy More than a dozen state lawmakers want Governor Tony Evers to do more to protect the State Capitol from damage.…
DNC CONSIDERING COVID-19 TESTING News | June 7, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy The attendees at the upcoming Democrat Party National Convention may be tested for COVID-19. Party leadership says a decision will…