Hospitals in the Chippewa Valley are no closer to getting that 15 million-dollars from the state.
The money is tied-up in the back-and-forth between Governor Evers and Republican lawmakers. Just like money for PFAS clean-up, the governor says Republicans are refusing to let him spend the money and Republicans say the governor is looking to create a slush fund. The money was originally earmarked for ER services at other hospitals now that HSHS’s hospitals have closed.
The governor changed that plan last month, and wants to let all hospitals in the region spend the 15 million as they see fit.

While we are talking funding, there continues to be finger-pointing at the Wisconsin Capitol over the lack of progress on PFAS money. Governor Evers yesterday accused Republicans of ignoring his call to meet and talk about 125 million-dollars for PFAS clean-up in the state. The governor says there’s no reason why Republicans won’t spend the money. But Republican lawmakers say the governor is to blame for the delay. State Senator Eric Wimberger said the governor vetoed the latest PFAS clean-up plan, and said the governor is the one who is refusing to negotiate.
The hold-up centers on who is considered a PFAS polluter in Wisconsin.