Chippewa Sees Wildfires, State of Emergency Declared

Chippewa Sees Wildfires, State of Emergency Declared

Add Chippewa County to the list of places in Wisconsin with wildfire damage.

Firefighters dealt with a number of fires yesterday, including two in the Town of Wheaton. They are not alone as Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources says there have been hundreds of wildfires across the state already this spring. Governor Evers yesterday declared a state of emergency and called-up the National Guard to help fight the fires.  

What that means is help.

Wisconsin’s latest emergency will have National Guard troops helping fight fires. Governor Tony Evers yesterday declared an emergency because of the high number of wildfires this spring. The state’s Department of Natural Resources reported 150 fires last weekend alone. In addition to the troops, the governor is mobilizing the state’s Blackhawk helicopters. DNR says those will be a big help in fighting fires across the state.

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