Heritage Meats LLC in Butternut, WI, is issuing a voluntary Class II recall for a variety of prepared/precooked meal items, as well as a raw beef product, sold under the name Bayfield Foods South Shore Meats. The recalled products, which were sold through the Bayfield Foods Co-op, include:
- Travis’s Famous Chili, 2-lb. packages
- Ham and potato soup, 2-lb. packages
- Bacon mac & cheese, 2-lb. packages
- Italian lasagna , 2-lb. packages
- Pizza mac & cheese, 2-lb. packages
- Charro beans, 2-lb. packages
- Chicken alfredo pasta, 2-lb. packages
- Beef stock, 1-lb. packages
- Sliced smoked brisket, 1-lb. packages
- Meatloaf, 2-lb. packages
- Chicken and wild rice, 2-lb. packages
- Beef stir fry (raw), 1-lb. packages; the labels on affected packages of this product have a Wisconsin meat inspection legend with No. 232.
This is a Class II recall resulting from evidence collected during a routine inspection by state inspectors. Evidence showed that the products were not produced under a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan as required in meat safety regulations. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO.