Pence Visits Eau Claire, Polls Remain Tight in WI

Pence Visits Eau Claire, Polls Remain Tight in WI

Vice President Mike Pence used his latest campaign trip to western Wisconsin to talk about jobs and law and order.


The vice president spoke to a crowd at Midwest Manufacturing in Eau Claire yesterday. He said President Trump will restore the rule of law, and not allow violence in the streets to continue. Pence also touted an economic comeback if he and the president get a second term.

As for the election here in Wisconsin, Pence says they are watching the state closely for both voter turnout and possible voter problems.

The latest poll in Wisconsin shows almost no one is changing their mind about President Trump or Joe Biden.

A new UW-Madison battleground poll gives Biden a five point lead. That’s about where the last Marquette Law School Poll was.  It does note that very few voters are undecided.

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