DRAFT PLAYBOOK HAS UW PLAYERS News | April 29, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy The 2019 NFL Draft is in the books and a handful of University of Wisconsin players are heading to play…
CONTROLLED BURNS HEAT UP LEARNING News | April 29, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy Students at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire are learning about the importance of controlled prairie burns after the city’s first of…
SMILE, EAU CLAIRE! News | April 29, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy The City of Eau Claire is looking nicer after a weekend clean-up effort. Reports say dozens of volunteers gathered on…
LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT REMEMBERS OUR GIRL SCOUTS News | April 29, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy Wisconsin lawmakers are considering a bill that would give more protections to people volunteering to clean up roads. The Adopt-A-Highway…
HIGH COST OF WAGE PROTESTS News | April 29, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy It remains to be seen what will come of last week’s pay protest at the University of Wisconsin. Campus police escorted…
ADDING TO HEALTHCARE ROLLS INTO DOLLARS News | April 29, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy Governor Tony Evers’ sales pitch to add over 80 thousand young men to Wisconsin’s healthcare rolls is working. A number…
WI DAIRY INDUSTRY GOES TO WASHINGTON News | April 29, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy The folks who run Wisconsin’s dairy industry are asking President Trump to help them move Congress forward on the new trade…
MAN KILLED IN DUNN CO. MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT News | April 28, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy We now know the name of the man killed in a motorcycle accident in Dunn County. It was on Friday…
PILLS PILED UP AT DRUG TAKE BACK LOCATIONS News | April 28, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy As a result of the recent drug take back event and the permanent drop locations, the Eau Claire County Sheriff’s…
TRUMP PUMPS UP GREEN BAY CROWD News | April 28, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy President Trump is firing up his base in Wisconsin instead of attending the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner. Last night, Trump spoke…