CLEAN UP DOESN’T SLOW DOWN News | September 30, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy Officials are praising the efforts of volunteers who arrived over the weekend to help clean-up damage from last week’s storms. …
LOCAL SCOUT HONORED News | September 30, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy A girl scout from Strum is being honored with the group’s highest achievement for helping build a pavilion at Veteran…
LOCAL CORN MAZE LISTENS News | September 30, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy The organizers of the corn maze at Govin’s Farm are working this year to help raise awareness for suicide prevention. …
HIKE FOR HOMELESS DRAWS HUNDREDS News | September 30, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy Family Promise of Chippewa Valley are thanking those who participated in their annual Hike for the Homeless over the weekend. …
1ST CBD CONFERENCE IN MADISON News | September 29, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy The first ever CBD Madison conference is drawing attention to the health benefits of the popular hemp-based extract. The event…
VOS ASKING FOR SPECIAL ELECTION DATE CHANGE News | September 28, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy Assembly Speaker Robin Vos is asking Governor Tony Evers to reschedule a congressional special election to avoid a conflict with…
GOLD STARS FOR WI BLUE RIBBON SCHOOLS News | September 27, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy Eight Wisconsin schools are on the 2019 National Blue Ribbon list. The list announced yesterday is selected by the U.S. Department of…
CHANGE AT THE PUMP News | September 27, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy The average cost for regular gas in Wisconsin is down two-cents-a-gallon compared to a week ago. Triple-A says the average price statewide…
BARRON CO. INFORMS PUBLIC OF SEX OFFENDER MOVE News | September 27, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy The Barron County Sheriff’s Department is releasing the following information of a change in address for a registered sex offender.…
TEMPS DROP, RABIES CONCERNS RISE News | September 27, 2019 | by Morgan McCarthy As temperatures drop, bats and other animals often look for a new home indoors. This increases the chance for bats…