Locally, Sheriff Travis Hakes is offering an update to a new Emergency Response tool. Below you will find the information:

The Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office has been in the research and devolvement stage of new mass notification software. Starting in 2026 we plan to eliminate some unnecessary spending by solely
depending on our Sheriff’s Office Mobile App as our host for IPAWS.
Our interactive mobile app is a host to many features, including our IPAWS through FEMA. The
Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting a live test of this system, in the afternoon on
Monday December 30, 2024.
The public should expect to observe a test of our Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) which will be pushed
through their cellular telephones in a geographically targeted area of population density. This feature is
tested to ensure our ability to notify members of the community in certain areas of imminent dangers to
their safety. Examples of this feature being used would be when we have an active threat incident, or
severe weather.
The public can also expect to observe a test of our Emergency Alert System (EAS) which will broadcast
over local television and local radio stations. This feature would be used in similar circumstances as
above, but also when the event has a suspected greater impact area, such as a path of severe weather.
The Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office strives to provide a professional standard of Public Safety for all
our residents and tourists. In striving for that dedication to public safety, our emergency notification
systems will be tested to ensure they’re operationally efficient.
Even though our mobile app is the host of our IPAWS, you will not have to download the app to receive
mass notifications sent through IPAWS.