Hello. Welcome to your weekend and a brand new month. It’s June!
We’re glad you are here.
Whether you are adjusting to the first days of Summer vacation or plugging away with your normal routine, we flip the page to a new month as it seems time flies faster all the time. For that reason, we like to intentionally slow things down a bit on Saturday morning with a simpler “scroll down memory lane.”

This is an easy look back at events that happened on these days in history before we head out to make new history today. So, grab your favorite sippin’ drink and let’s scroll!

Tomorrow is Sunday, June 2nd, the 154th day of the year.
On this day:

In 1835, P.T. Barnum kicked off his first U.S. circus tour.
In 1886, Grover Cleveland became the first sitting President of the United States to get married in the White House.
In 1941, baseball’s “Iron Horse,” Lou Gehrig, died in New York of a degenerative disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
In 1953, 27-year-old Queen Elizabeth the Second was crowned. The crowning became one of the first international news events given complete television coverage in England and the United States.

In 1987, President Reagan announced he was nominating Alan Greenspan as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board.
In 1989, some 100 thousand Chinese citizens staged a demonstration for democracy in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.
In 1997, Timothy McVeigh was convicted of murder and conspiracy in the Oklahoma City bombing that occurred in 1995.

In 1998, voters in California passed Proposition 227, which abolished the state’s 30-year-old bilingual education program, requiring that all children be taught in English.
In 1999, Japanese women finally won the right to use the birth control pill, more than three decades after it first appeared in the West.
In 1999, South Africans went to the polls in their second post-apartheid election, giving the African National Congress a decisive victory. Retiring president Nelson Mandela was succeeded by Thabo Mbeki.

In 2008, Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy underwent surgery for a brain tumor he was diagnosed with a few weeks earlier. The three-and-a-half-hour surgery was performed at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina.
In 2008, rock and roll pioneer Bo Diddley died at the age of 79. A spokesperson said Diddley died of heart failure at his home in Florida.
In 2016, autopsy results revealed music icon Prince died of an overdose of the powerful opioid Fentanyl, which is 80 to 100 times more powerful than morphine.

In 2016, a judge sentenced former Stanford swimmer Brock Turner to six-months in jail after he was convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman the year before. He was released only three months later.
In 2022, the jury of the popular defamation case brought on by actor Johnny Depp against his ex-wife, Amber Heard, reached a unanimous verdict finding that Heard defamed Depp. Depp was awarded 15-million-dollars in damages. The jury also awarded Heard two-million-dollars in damages in her counterclaim.

In 2023, the U.S. Army renamed Fort Bragg as Fort Liberty in North Carolina as part of an effort to remove Confederate names from military bases.
And that brings us here to this weekend.
Whatever plans you have for the first days of June 2024, here’s hoping there are moments along the way to record on the pages of your own personal history book.

Thanks for stopping by!