“With dairy being such a prominent piece of Wisconsin’s culture, it’s critical for our state’s dairy leaders to engage with lawmakers,”

The event started with a Farmer-to-Farmer Legal Series presentation by Ruder Ware attorneys Sam Moheban and Amy Ebeling. During the discussion, they spoke about the immigration process and its impact on dairy farms in Wisconsin, emphasizing immigration as a solution to the labor and skills shortages faced by many businesses today.
Chad Zuleger, DBA director of government affairs, spoke with the group about current priorities and key issues impacting Wisconsin dairy farmers, including bills that would develop a Transition to Grass program and carbon calculator at DATCP, the Protect Our Farms Act, expanding eligibility of the DNR’s Well Compensation Program, dairy product labeling and others.

“With dairy being such a prominent piece of Wisconsin’s culture, it’s critical for our state’s dairy leaders to engage with lawmakers,” said DBA Director of Government Affairs Chad Zuleger. “Few lawmakers today have direct ties to production agriculture; providing them opportunities to engage directly with farmers is paramount to drive success for Wisconsin dairy and the rural communities it supports.”
Attendees also got a chance to visit the offices of legislators, giving them an opportunity to share their stories and let their voices be heard.
DBA board president Lee Kinnard of Kinnard Farms says this event is a powerful way for members to get involved and make an impact in Madison.
“Wisconsin is synonymous with dairy for a reason,” said DBA President Lee Kinnard. “Advocacy efforts like today help show our lawmakers why they must support programs to keep Wisconsin as a global leader in innovation.”