Extension Educator Jerry Clark named UW–Madison Distinguished Teaching Award Recipient

Extension Educator Jerry Clark named UW–Madison Distinguished Teaching Award Recipient

Jerry Clark, a UW–Madison Extension Agriculture Educator and Associate Professor, has been named as one of the 2024 Distinguished Teaching Award recipients across the UW–Madison campus: https://news.wisc.edu/2024-distinguished-teaching-award-recipients-announced 

Jerry is a Crops Educator based in Extension’s Chippewa County office and serves Chippewa, Dunn and Eau Claire counties. His educational programming and research focus on agronomy and farm management. He provides educational programming and applied research in agronomy and horticulture focusing on alternative crops, forages, and nutrient management. His research and outreach have been used in innovative crops responding to new agricultural markets across Wisconsin, including craft brewing operations revolving around malting barley and growing hops along with industrial hemp production.

Jerry is a host of Extension’s “Cutting Edge” podcast dedicated to providing resources for new crops: https://cropsandsoils.extension.wisc.edu/programs/the-cutting-edge-podcast. His outreach with farmers has also included infusing technology into farming such as educating about the use of smart phones to identify and manage weeds, diseases, insects, and nutrient deficiencies that affect corn, soybeans, and alfalfa. 

Jerry has been with Extension for more than 25 years and was a dairy farmer in Chippewa County prior to joining Extension. He is one of 13 faculty members on the UW–Madison campus honored with this year’s Distinguished Teaching Awards, an honor given out since 1953 to recognize some of the university’s finest educators. A ceremony will take place at 5 p.m. April 16 in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union to honor the recipients.

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