Awarded: Tim Walters, Stephanie Stone, and Wade Davis, Photo courtesy of CFPD
On Monday November 27, 2023, Chief Matthew Kelm of the Chippewa Falls Police Department came to the Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office to express his Department’s admiration for the professionalism
displayed by the Emergency Communications Center staff during their incident on October 20th 2023 on
Spruce St in the City of Chippewa Falls.
Chief Kelm informed Tim Walters, Stephanie Stone, and Wade Davis that their outstanding efforts on
October 20th 2023, their quick response, recognition of the severity of the incident, teamwork, and
immediate actions, including encouraging the female victim to jump out of a second-story window, likely
resulted directly in saving the life of the female victim. A failure to act or action after delay could have
led to a tragic outcome.

Chief Kelm presented them with a plaque in recognition of their efforts.