“Tourism is essential to the economy of Dunn County. Visitors
-Tourism Manager Tammy Simon
steward our small businesses, provide tax dollars for community improvement, and support economic development.”
The Wisconsin Department of Tourism released 2022 economic impact data, showing the tourism industry generated a record-breaking $23.7 billion in total economic impact. The highest-ever overnight visitation helped fuel the growth, with Dunn County playing a contributing $96 million in total economic impact.
The 2022 total economic impact surpassed the previous statewide record of $22.2 billion set in 2019. Dunn County also surpassed the previous record of $93 million, set in 2019. Additionally, last year, Dunn
County tourism supported 750 part-time and full-time jobs across various sectors of the industry and
generated $6 million in local tax revenue. Statewide, tourism generated $1.5 billion in state and local
tax revenue. Without this revenue, each Wisconsin household would pay an additional $620 to maintain
the current level of government services.

Tourism Manager Tammy Simon credits natural spaces, the trails, and opportunities to sip and dine to
the influx of visitors to Dunn County. “Tourism is essential to the economy of Dunn County. Visitors
steward our small businesses, provide tax dollars for community improvement, and support economic
development.” Simon adds.
In 2022, there were 111.1 million visits in Wisconsin, which was up 8.8 million visits, or 8.7%, over the
previous year. This includes a record 45.4 million overnight visits, or a 13.8% increase from 2021.
Overnight visitors, on average, spent nearly three times as much as day trip visitors.
“Tourism is both big fun and big business. I’m so grateful for the innovation and dedication of the folks
who make up Wisconsin’s tourism industry. Each one of them played a role in setting this record,” said