Local Water Levels Crest

Local Water Levels Crest

The Chippewa River is starting to drop again, after cresting this weekend in Moderate Flood Stage. 

The 20-foot crest at Chippewa Falls is the seventh highest in recorded history.   At Eau Claire the crest was the eighth highest. The Chippewa River is expected to crest at Durand this morning, likely the eighth highest level in recorded history for Durand.

In other parts of our area, the Mississippi River in La Crosse has hit Major Flood Stage, and is expected to rise some more.

The National Weather Service says the river topped 15-and-a-half feet yesterday. Forecasters says the river will continue to rise until Friday, when its expected to top-out at 16 feet. The record for flooding along the Mississippi in La Crosse is 17-feet nine-inches.

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