A chase ends with a man facing multiple charges.
During a vehicle pursuit that originated in Northeast Chippewa County, the operator, 40 year old Mitchell W Ludtke, attempted to strike a marked City of Cornell Police vehicle, as well as a Cornell Police Officer. The operator also intentionally struck two fully marked and occupied Chippewa County Sheriff’s vehicles. The Sheriff’s vehicles became disabled due to the damage caused.

The vehicle was pursued into Dunn County by Law Enforcement Officers from the Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office (including the Sheriff), WI DNR, Wisconsin State Patrol, City of Cornell, City of Bloomer, and the Dunn County Sheriff’s Office. The vehicle was stopped and Ludtke was taken into custody.
There were no reported injuries to any involved parties.
Criminal Charges Arrested for: three counts of Recklessly Endangering Safety 1st degree
Wisconsin State Statute 941.30(1), Felony Bail Jumping 946.49(1)(b), Operating While
Intoxicated 346.63(1)(a), Knowingly Fleeing 346.04(3), Misdemeanor Bail Jump, Operating
After Revocation, and two counts of felony Criminal Damage to Property.