Jacob Wiensch, Business and Communications Specialist for Economic Development Division, was given the prestigious Young Professional of the Year Award by Momentum West at their Annual Luncheon and Economic Development Awards Program on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. The Young Professional of the Year Award recognizes up and coming talent in the Economic Development field in a 10-county area around Eau Claire.
Jake was recognized for his commitment to economic success in the Eau Claire area, whether it s managing the Loan Administration Board program, coordinating improvement projects on behalf of the BIDs, working with DECI on downtown promotion and development, or working on additional development opportunities, Jake has stepped up to the task City of Eau Claire Economic Development Manager, e has a bright future in economic development.

Momentum West is a regional economic development organization serving a 10-county area and manages programming for business and talent attraction. The annual luncheon is an opportunity for Momentum West to recognize businesses and individuals that contribute to the growth of our