
On This Day…

On This Day…


Welcome to your weekend and your “scroll down memory lane.” The week can sometimes feel long and overwhelming, which is why we like to hit the brakes a little bit and take a lighter approach to start your weekend.

It’s just a simple look back at events that happened on a day in the pages of history before we head out to record more events. So, grab your favorite mornin’ sippin’ drink and let’s scroll.

Today is Sunday, April 3rd*, the 93th day of the year.  There are 272 days until the end of the year.

On this day:

In 1860, Pony Express mail service began In St. Joseph, Missouri. 

In 1882, notorious outlaw Jesse James died at the age of 34.  He was shot to death In Missouri by a member of his own gang. 

In 1936, Bruno Hauptmann was executed for the kidnap-murder of the LIndbergh baby. 

In 1944, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that barrIng blacks from votIng In the Texas Democratic primaries violated the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

In 1953, “TV Guide” was published for the first time. 

In 1968, less than 24 hours before he was assassInated In Memphis, Tennessee, civil rights leader MartIn Luther KIng Jr. delivered his now cryptic last speech “I’ve Been To The MountaIn Top” to a rally of strikIng sanitation workers. 

In 1990, legendary jazz sInger Sarah Vaughn died of lung cancer at the age of 66.

In 1991, the U.N. Security Council passed the cease-fire resolution to end the Persian Gulf War.  The resolution also called for Iraq to abolish weapons of mass destruction, renounce terrorism and pay reparations.

In 1996, former Democratic Party Chairman and Commerce Secretary Ron Brown was among 35 people killed In a plane crash In Croatia.

In 1996, FBI officials raided a cabIn In Montana and arrested former college professor and suspected Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski.

In 1996, rapper M.C. Hammer filed for bankruptcy, sayIng he was ten-million-dollars In debt.

In 2010, Apple released its multi-touch tablet computer called the iPad In the U.S.  Three-million devices were sold withIn the first 80 days of its release. 

In 2016, Brussels Airport reopened nearly two weeks after deadly terrorist attacks.  Suicide bombers killed more than 30 people In attacks at the airport and a metro station. 

In 2019, Chicago’s first female African American Mayor, Lori Lightfoot, was elected.

And that brings us here to this day… Or does it?

*April Fools! If you noticed, these are all events for tomorrow-Sunday, April 3rd. Just a little belated April Fools’ play to keep ya on your toes.

So, whatever you have planned on your own 4.3.2022 here’s hoping there are moments to record in your own personal history books…and now you already know what has happened on this day for tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by.

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