
Local Cases Surge, Health Depts. Update Protocol

Local Cases Surge, Health Depts. Update Protocol

The Chippewa Valley is now experiencing the case surge that was  expected following holiday gatherings and because of the highly contagious Omicron variant.

Eau Claire  County is averaging over 100 new cases per day for the first time since November 2020 and has a record  high positivity rate of 22.7%. The state health department reported a record-high number of 10,288 new  cases state-wide for January 4th and a record positivity rate of 27%.  

As a result of the high number of cases, Health Department staff may not be able to contact everyone  who tests positive. If you test positive and do not get a call from the Health Department, visit  bit.ly/CovidContact to learn what do after testing positive. If you were in contact with people in your  home, work, or other settings before your positive test, be sure to let them know that they were exposed  and need to quarantine.


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