
Local Public Health Director Addresses Heath in Childcare Settings

Local Public Health Director Addresses Heath in Childcare Settings

A letter from the Chippewa County Public Health Director addresses the situation many are facing with childcare amidst the pandemic. Below is that letter:

Chippewa County Childcare Centers and Daycares:

I want to first thank you for all the diligence, time, and financial resources you have dedicated to COVID-19
mitigation. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on our lives. Many of us face challenges that can
be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions. We understand your frustration and know that the
challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic can be trying for all of us as we strive to do everything we can
to make sure that our children are safe.

Recently, some local childcare settings have announced that it is the parent’s decision whether or not to
quarantine their child(ren) if they are a close contact with a COVID-19 positive person in the childcare setting.
Numerous mitigation strategies help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Vaccination, isolation and quarantine,
mask-wearing, physical distancing, and handwashing and cleaning are the best strategies that we can implement
to reduce the spread of COVID-19. As a Public Health Director, I am very concerned about allowing children who
are close contacts to attend childcare. Currently, Chapter 252 of the Wisconsin Statutes provides local health
departments with authority to require isolation and quarantine to mitigate the spread of communicable
diseases. Although I understand that childcare centers and in-home daycares are in a challenging position due to
the societal divisions that we are seeing, I want to make it clear that I do not recommend or support the idea of
parents choosing whether or not their child should quarantine as a close contact. These decisions potentially
imperil the safety of the other children in the childcare setting and their families, which is why the local health
departments have the authority to quarantine and isolate. These decisions need to be made by those entrusted
with promoting and ensuring the safety of our community.

The Chippewa County Department of Public Health continues to receive communications from the community
and parents expressing their concerns for local childcare settings’ policies. To make sure that their concerns are
heard, I will continue to let them know that the health department has the authority to require isolation and
quarantine and direct them to contact their local childcare provider if they have questions about decisions that
are being made. The safety of our children and the community must be our utmost concern.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions or wish to discuss these issues further.

Angela Weideman, LMFT
Chippewa County Health Officer/Public Health Director


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