Downtown Eau Claire, Inc. (DECI) has awarded the Chippewa Valley Museum a $2,000 grant to update and support their three Biking into History self-guided tour maps.
The maps have proven to be in high-demand by downtown businesses and organizations and the Museum applied for assistance to replenish their quickly-diminishing supply of maps. The reprinted maps will also be updated to include information on how to access the museum’s online historical walking tour.

The project offers residents and out-of-town visitors the opportunity to explore Eau Claire and learn a little more about the history of our city. With between 9 and 10 stops each, the three different tours focus on different themes: natural history, industries, and bridges. Each tour is designed to be completed in an afternoon.
“The Biking into History tour guides have been very popular with visitors and residents alike,” said Carrie Ronnander, Director of the Chippewa Valley Museum. “This Enhancement Grant from DECI enables the Chippewa Valley Museum to share the rich history of Eau Claire’s downtown while also encourage healthy living.” The revised maps are expected to be available at downtown businesses and organizations in August.