As local meetings plan to address face coverings in our area, changes are being made around our state and beyond. The list of stores that will allow you to roam the isles mask less is growing, that’s if you are fully Vaccinated. Bill Trifiro reports.

As far as Wisconsin, the COVID-19 face mask order is lifted in Rock County.
Health officials lifted the mask rule yesterday after news emerged this week from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which says it’s no longer necessary for vaccinated people to wear masks. Health officer Katrina Harwood says a person is considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19 once two weeks have gone by from when the person got the last of the two shots or the single dose Johnson and Johnson version.

You might notice a difference on your next shopping trip.
Walmart stores drop the face mask requirement for shoppers who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The retailer announced yesterday the new measure applies anywhere in counties or municipalities that already have dropped the face mask use rule. Effectively it means in Rock County where yesterday the mask rule was officially dropped, Walmart shoppers don’t have to wear masks.
However, in Dane County Walmart stores, shoppers still have to wear one since Dane County has yet to drop the mask rule.