Wisconsin’s statewide mask mandate is no more, but that doesn’t mean there are no more masks. So, we will look at this from the court ruling down to local mandates.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court yesterday struck down Governor Evers’ emergency order, which immediately ended the mask requirement and other coronavirus limits.

The court says state law is clear, and the governor can only issue emergency orders for 60 days. After that, lawmakers get a say as well. Conservatives at the Capitol say the ruling restores balance to state government. Governor Evers says people need to continue to wear a mask in order to stay safe.
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When it comes to daily life, not much will change in the immediate.

Most people in Wisconsin are going to need to keep wearing their masks to the store, the doctor, their kids’ school, or out to eat. Cities and communities across the state say their mask mandates and limits on crowds remain in place. The state Supreme Court’s decision to end Governor Evers’ mask order only applies to the statewide mask mandate. Milwaukee and a number of cities in Milwaukee County say their rules aren’t changing one bit.
Here locally, you are going to have to continue to wear your mask in Eau Claire.
The city and county last night said their mask mandate is now in effect. Both the city and county adopted a mask requirement that would kick-in if Governor Evers’ statewide mandate was struck down. The Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the governor’s order yesterday. Eau Claire’s mask requirement is in effect until the end of June.