The Debate Goes On…

The Debate Goes On…

A minimum wage hike will not be part of the coronavirus relief package.  The Senate voted not to add a 15-dollar-an-hour minimum wage as an amendment to the bill. 

The vote came after the Senate parliamentarian ruled it couldn’t be included in the bill.  The one-point-nine-trillion-dollar measure is still being debated in the Senate.

As the debate continues, President Biden is backing the Senate’s compromise on unemployment benefits. 

In a statement, White House press secretary Jen Psaki explained Biden supports the agreement and is grateful for the work of lawmakers.  She said the most important thing about the agreement is the chamber can move forward with trying to get the whole package passed.  Senators still have a long night ahead to vote on other amendments before getting to the final vote.

In other national news,

The White House is pleased about the latest monthly jobs numbers.  Jim Forbes has more.

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