
Unmasking the Ruling; Vote Expected Today

Unmasking the Ruling; Vote Expected Today

All eyes are on the state Assembly, looking to see what Republican lawmakers do about Governor Evers’ mask requirement.

The Assembly is set to vote today on an override of the governor’s latest emergency order, which includes the mask requirement. Republicans in the state Senate voted for the override on Tuesday. Republicans say the idea is to rein-in the governor who has overstepped his bounds. Democrats argue that not having a mask mandate will literally kill people.

Here locally, Eau Claire could have a mask requirement of its own in about two weeks.

City leaders have scheduled a meeting for February 8th to talk about a local mask mandate, and a vote is expected from the city council on the next day. Eau Claire leaders have been clear that they will move ahead with a local mask requirement if Governor Evers’ statewide mask mandate is struck down. A vote to do just that is expected from the state Assembly later today.


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