
WI Chimes in On Election Results

WI Chimes in On Election Results

Add Wisconsin U.S. Senator Ron Joshnson to the list of Republicans on Capitol Hill who will object to the election results.


Johnson on Saturday released a statement with other Republicans that said there are too many unanswered questions about voter fraud and the legitimacy of the November election to just sit by. Johnson wants a 10-day pause to look for answers regarding absentee and mail-in ballots, as well as look into questions as to whether key states followed state and federal election laws. Congress is supposed to approve the Electoral College results on Wednesday.

But we will show you different sides so you can decide, and at least one of Wisconsin’s Republican congressmen doesn’t want to continue to challenge the November election.

Congressman Mike Gallagher yesterday said it is time to end the election opposition. Gallagher says there are plenty of un-answered questions about irregularities in Wisconsin’s election, but he said the time to raise those questions has passed. Gallagher says Congress is not in the position to override states when it comes to the Electoral College.  


Wisconsin’s former Speaker of the House is coming-out on the record against the Republican plan to oppose the November election results.

Paul Ryan yesterday released a statement that says opposing the Electoral College results is one of the most ‘anti-democratic and anti-conservative’ things that Republicans in Washington D.C. can do. Ryan says the President had plenty of chances to challenge the election in court but failed to bring enough evidence to overturn the results. Ryan says the electoral opposition will sow seeds of doubt in Joe Biden’s presidency.

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