Foundation Aims to Help Local Students

Foundation Aims to Help Local Students

Eau Claire Public School Foundation has announced the endowment of a fund designed to provide an annual source of monies for emergency
situations faced by students, and their families, at Memorial High School.

Greg and Claudia Niemuth started the Niemuth Family Giving Tree Fund in 2018. “It has been steadily growing, and the Niemuths recently contributed the balance needed to fully endow the fund,” said Sarah French, ECPSF Executive Director. “Once a fund is endowed, it generates annual grants for causes of the donors’ choice; in this case, for students in crisis situations.”

Grants from the fund support the Veterans Memorial Giving Tree program directed by the student services department at the school. The program was established by MHS counselor Jane Adler-Corning eleven years ago, and continues to provide various support for students in need today.


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