An accident involving farm equipment serves as a reminder to slow down.
It was a bit before 2:30 on Monday afternoon when the Dunn County Communications Center received a report of a car that had struck a grain auger being towed by a tractor on STH 29 near 270 th St in the Town of Lucas.
The Dunn County Sheriff’s Office responded to the crash. There was minor injury and road blockage. The initial crash investigation shows that car operated by 25 year old female was westbound on STH 29 and came up behind a tractor pulling a 61’ grain auger, operated by a 54 year old male, and struck the back of the auger. The farm equipment was displaying a slow-moving vehicle sign.

The driver of the car reported that her footwear interfered with her pedal operation during the crash. However, after investigating the crash, it became clear that the greater contributing factor in the crash was speed. The crash remains under investigation by the Dunn County Sheriff’s Office.
The Dunn County Sheriff’s Office would also like to remind the motoring public that the fall is a busy time for local farmers on the roads. There is a lot of extra traffic of large, slow moving farm equipment on the roadways and to be careful while driving.
In addition, WI Statue 346.09 (3)(b) prohibits passing a farm vehicle (implement of husbandry or Ag CMV) in a no passing zone even though that vehicle is traveling less than half the posted speed limit.