
Biden Heading to WI

Biden Heading to WI

Joe Biden will be coming to our state today, and it won’t be surprising if he is asked about his comments that the Kenosha police officers involved in Jacob Bake’s shooting should be charged while he is in Kenosha.


The Democratic presidential nominee will visit the city today. He is set to tour Kenosha, and meet with Jacob Blake’s family. Biden said yesterday that he thinks the officers involved in Blake’s shooting should be charged, but he did not say what the charges should be. This is Biden’s first visit to Wisconsin in nearly two years.

In Kenosha, questions and unrest remain. Protesters want to know why more Trump supporters are not being arrested for breaking curfew. Four of the more than 150 people arrested for breaking Kenosha’s riot-inspired curfew filed a federal civil rights complaint yesterday.

Their argument is that police are not arresting pro-police demonstrators for curfew violations the same way they are arresting others. The complaint says there are ‘two sets of laws’ in Kenosha.

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