There are now more than 16-hundred people in Wisconsin sick with the coronavirus. The state’s Department of Health Services and a number of counties added hundreds of cases to the state’s coronavirus count yesterday. There are also more deaths. DHS says 34 people have died in the state. DHS is also releasing numbers on hospitalizations for the first time. Doctors say 393 people have been to, or are still in, the hospital because of the virus.
Here in our area, the trend up continues. The state’s Department of Health Services yesterday said over 16 hundred people in Wisconsin are now sick with the virus. Eau Claire County’s coronavirus count is now up to 12. There are ten people sick in Chippewa County. Dunn County continues to have just three confirmed cases.

On the front lines, some of the newest face shields in America are being used in Eau Claire. Sacred Heart Hospital yesterday said it got three thousand face shields from Ford. The car maker is one of several companies that switched to making protective healthcare gear during the coronavirus outbreak.