This is all new territory each day will look a little different, and we will let you know the latest, laid out in simple form. Your Covid-19 Cliff Notes are here.
As we follow the latest of the world pandemic, there is a lot (A LOT!) of information to digest, we will break it down from the larger (World) scope and work our way in here to Eau Claire and our own back yard and day to day lives. Trying to outline the basics and keep the information accurate, bite size, and easy to follow.
First of all, COVID19 is the name given to COronaVIrus Disease 2019, for the year that it was first detected. Now that we have that established we will look at the latest cliff notes.

WORLD: China is reporting no new coronavirus cases for the second day in a row. China’s National Health Commission today is reporting no new local cases for only the second time since the outbreak began in December. Nearly 40 new cases were reported yesterday, but officials say they were imported from other countries. The coronavirus outbreak started in China, where more than 32-hundred people have died from the infection.
Now, China has been surpassed by Italy, which is reporting over 34-hundred deaths. The World Health Organization says Europe is the new epicenter of the pandemic.

NATIONAL: California Governor Gavin Newsom is ordering the nearly 40-million people who live the state to stay home to slow the spread of the coronavirus. People will still be allowed to do essential tasks like going to the store, picking up medicine, and going for walks.The statewide order follows similar orders in major California cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Under a bill the Trump administration is pitching to Congress, Americans could get a check in the mail sometime soon. The bill is part of an economic stimulus package to ease the financial pain of the coronavirus pandemic. The Washington Post reports the plan would provide two payments of a thousand dollars each to many Americans. The bill calls for the first payments to be issued beginning April 6th, with another wave of payments beginning May 18th.

STATE: Milwaukee County has the most coronavirus cases in Wisconsin, but not any of the state’s two coronavirus deaths. The state’s Department of Health Services yesterday confirmed two deaths, one in Fond du Lac County and one in Ozaukee County. DHS also confirmed 49 new cases yesterday. The total number of people sick with the coronavirus in Wisconsin is now 155 and counting.
LOCAL: The coronavirus has finally arrived in the Chippewa Valley. State health officials yesterday confirmed cases of the virus in Eau Claire, Chippewa, and Dunn counties. One person is sick in each county. Public health managers say those numbers will likely go up. Statewide, there are 155 people who are sick with the coronavirus in Wisconsin. Two people have died.