It would take a lot to move Wisconsin’s primary. The state’s Election Commission yesterday talked about the possibility of moving the April 7th primary to another day. Commissioner Ann Jacobs said she thinks the state is putting people at risk by having them vote in person during the coronavirus outbreak. But other election officials say it would take the governor, the legislature, or a judge to change the election date. The commission, and Governor Evers, have told people to vote early or absentee instead.

And, the courts are involved too….
Democrats are going to court to try and extend absentee voting for next month’s primary election. Both the Democratic Party of Wisconsin and the Democratic National Committee yesterday filed a lawsuit demanding that the Wisconsin Election Commission extend online and absentee voting registration til the Friday before Election Day, stop requiring people to send a copy of their driver’s license and proof that they live in Wisconsin with an absentee ballot, and accept absentee ballots as late as 10 days after the election. Wisconsin Democratic Party boss Ben Wikler said no one should have to choose between voting and being exposed to the coronavirus.