Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore says voting on today’s impeachment resolution is one of the most sobering events of her career.  Moore says she never came to Congress to impeach a president but she will not shirk from her responsibilities to oppose the constitution and defend democracy.  Fellow Democrat Mark Pocan says House members are holding the president accountable, but they are also getting legislative work done.  Pocan today introduced the LEARNS Act which is designed to strengthen apprenticeship programs and secure jobs for working families.

And on the other side of the asile, GOP Lawmakers say: Impeachment Process Unfair.

Republicans lawmakers continue to criticize the impeachment process.  Representative Mike Gallagher called the resolution fundamentally flawed that breaks with historical precedent and keeps Republicans from having an equal seat at the table.  Congressman Brian Steil says the resolution doesn’t provide the same due process protections that were afforded President Clinton and President Nixon.

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