The repeated snow storms hitting the area are affecting small businesses in Eau Claire. Several stores have been forced to close early or not open at all over the past few weeks during heavy snows. Slow foot traffic at businesses has made it difficult for owners to meet financial obligations. Retailers are hoping the snow lets up enough to allow for patrons to visit local shops soon.
Snow blowers are getting a lot of use in western Wisconsin, which has the shops responsible for fixing them overwhelmed with business. A repair shop in Eau Claire says they’ve been fixing around 500 snow blowers in just the last few weeks. The owner of T and C Hometown Repair Shop says their crew is working hard to get orders finished as quickly as possible.
Snow plow crews are struggling with improperly parked cars. Officials have been working to get people still parking on the wrong side of the street to move their cars. Police are also being called out to deal with stuck cars that have been abandoned in the middle of the street. Officials say when cars are parked improperly, the process of clearing the streets is made extremely difficult.