


Yesterday at this time we had election results and now we know this:
The 2018 Wisconsin primary is being called historic.  Officials say more people voted in Tuesday’s primary than ever before.  Democrats drew about 20-percent more voters than Republicans. ..and as you can imagine, local polling places are preparing for a high volume of voters in November.  Turnout in Chippewa County for Tuesday’s primary was the highest its been in over 15 years and some smaller towns faced ballot shortages in the primary, so city and town clerks are making sure they’re well equipped for the general election.

Here we go! Just hours after they secured their parties’ nominations for governor, Republican Governor Scott Walker and Democrat Tony Evers are disputing over tax cuts and road funding.  Walker was calling for tax breaks yesterday and put out the idea that Evers supports quadrupling the gas tax. Evers initially didn’t rule it out, but then called the assertion a lie.  He has also gone after Walker before for not putting more money toward roads. 

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