Gavel to Drop on WI Mask Mandate News | October 6, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy We shouldn’t have to wait long to know if people across Wisconsin will continue to have to wear face masks. The St.…
Local Leaders Tackle Public Health Issues and Ordinance News | October 6, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy The Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce is on the record as being against the city and county’s new public health…
WI CARES Act Money Headed to Help News | October 6, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy The latest round of Wisconsin’s coronavirus stimulus money is going to people in need. Governor Tony Evers yesterday said he is…
New Space for Local Shelter News | October 6, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy The Sojourner House in Eau Claire is moving into its new home. The homeless shelter yesterday moved into the old…
Voter Numbers up In WI News | October 6, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy More people are registered to vote in Wisconsin this year. The state’s Election Commission on Monday said voter registration is up by…
AFT Offers Reward in Kenosha Arson Cases News | October 6, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy Federal investigators hope five-thousand-dollars cash will lead them to some arson suspects in Kenosha. The ATF offered the reward yesterday.…
Suspect in Custody in Milwaukee Shooting News | October 6, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy There is a suspect in custody for last week’s shooting at a Milwaukee funeral home, but we’re going to have…
Local Officials to Hold Online Ordinance Meeting News | October 5, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy City of Eau Claire and Eau Claire County officials will be conducting an online Informational Meeting on Wednesday, October 7,…
Burnett Co. Deer Tests Positive for CWD News | October 5, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) confirms that a whitetail deer at a Burnett County deer farm…
EC Chamber Asks Health Dept. to Go Back to the Drawing Board News | October 5, 2020 | by Morgan McCarthy The Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce is asking Eau Claire County and the City of Eau Claire to withdraw…