Madison’s police chief says heroin deaths are up so far in 2019, but reported overdoses are down. On his blog Friday, Police Chief Mike Koval said in the first two months of 2018, five people died from heroin overdoses. But, in 2019 that number is six. However, Koval says Madison police have responded to two fewer heroin overdose calls this February in comparison to last February. The chief noted that this is an eleven-percent decrease.
Read MoreEven though Republican lawmakers are slamming Governor Tony Evers’ budget request as ultra liberal, several progressive measures the Governor touted before are missing from it. On the campaign trail, Evers’ pledged to take large steps to reduce the state’s prison population. He also called for an end to the reliance on the funds generated from veterans homes to comprise the Veterans Trust Fund. However, both of these measures are missing from his budget request. A spokeswoman for Evers said the
Read MoreState officials say pension payments will hold steady for most retired public employees in Wisconsin. This news from the state Department of Employee Trust Funds comes after the Wisconsin Retirement System ended 2018 with a negative return. Yesterday, state officials said pension payments that are solely funded by the main Core Fund won’t see a change in amount. But, retirees with money in the smaller, optional Variable Fund will see a ten-percent reduction starting May 1st. The median WRS pension
Read MoreA baby swiss from Ohio is being crowned U.S. Championship Cheese Contest champ. The baby swiss made by Guggisberg Cheese in Millersburg beat out a Gouda from a Wisconsincheese-maker. In fact, ten of the top 20 finalists were from Wisconsin. The winners were announced at the KI Convention Center in Green Bay Thursday following the three-day competition at the Lambeau Field Atrium.
Read MoreAn accused Wisconsin killer and kidnapper says he will plead guilty to avoid a trial. It was revealed yesterday that Jake Patterson sent a letter last month to a reporter at KARE-TV in Minneapolis saying he wants to spare the family of Jayme Closs the stress of a trial. Patterson is awaiting trial on charges in Barron County that he kidnapped the thirteen-year-old after murdering her parents in October. The teen was able to escape earlier this year, three months
Read MoreThe average price for a gallon of regular gas in Wisconsin is up four-cents from a week ago. Triple-A says the cost statewide today is two-dollars-and-42-cents, while the national average is two-46-a-gallon. The lowest prices are posted in Appleton at two-32 a gallon. Drivers in Eau Claire are paying the most at the pump for regular at two-56.
Read MoreMarch is Women’s History Month and today is International Women’s Day. In addition to toasting success, women leaders say there are many hurdles women face in their roles as providers and caregivers. The Status of Women Data-dot-org says the difference between women’s and men’s median annual earnings in Wisconsin is ten-thousand-dollars. Women make about 20-cents less on the dollar than men for performing the same job.
Read MoreOn 3/8/19 at approximately 10:50am officers responded to a domestic disturbance in the 800 blk of E Blodgett St where a female reported having the back window of her vehicle shattered by a male subject with a gun. Officers responded, crisis negotiations took place, and the male surrendered to officers peacefully at 11:25am. The male subject stated he owns a gun but did not possess it today and that he broke the window with his fist. Male did have cuts
Read MoreEau Claire Parks & Recreation announces an extended season schedule for warming centers and outdoor ice rinks. If you are looking to get out here is where you can plan to hit the ice: Pinehurst:Warming Center will be open regular hours through March 31 for winter activities such as sledding, skiing, snowboarding and cross-country skiing. The ice rink will be available as weather allows. Boyd, Roosevelt, Putnam Height: Warming Centers will be open regular hours for outdoor skating as weather
Read MoreThe Wisconsin man charged with kidnapping 13-year-old Jayme Closs after brutally murdering her parents reportedly says he will plead guilty. Jake Patterson sent a letter to a reporter at a Minnesota news station yesterday saying he has “huge amounts” of remorse for his crimes and he plans on pleading guilty to them. In the letter, he couldn’t say exactly why he kidnapped Jayme, noting that the situation was “complicated” and “not black and white.” He said it was “mostly on impulse” and
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