A plan is set for the construction project at Roosevelt Avenue and State Street in Eau Claire. City council passed two amendments that would increase signage for when bike lanes begin and end and add pedestrian safety islands at the crosswalk. City officials say construction will begin as soon as possible and could be complete by the end of Fall.
Read MoreA local business will soon move into the old Gordy’s Market on Hamilton Avenue in Eau Claire. Furnish 1-2-3 will move across the street and into the building sometime in November. The store’s owner says moving into a bigger building is the right move because they’re consolidating their Menomonie and Eau Claire stores.
Read MoreThe Eau Claire Area School District is getting money to help kids with mental health. The district was recently awarded with 150-thousand-dollars for the next two year from the Wisconsin Department of Instruction to improve mental health resources. Reports say the district plans to use the money to hire a mental health coordinator and expand mental health programs and services to students and families.
Read MoreGovernor Tony Evers’ office says Republican lawmakers are just mad they didn’t get everything they wanted from the new state budget. A spokeswoman for the governor yesterday called the plan from Republicans in Madison to limit the governor’s veto powers a ‘temper tantrum.’ Wisconsin governors have one of the most powerful veto pens in the country. Evers made almost 80 vetoes to the latest state budget. Republican state Senator Dave Craig says that is an abuse of power and steps on the
Read MoreIt was about 7 on Tuesday evening when an Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Deputy was patrolling North Buena Vista Road/1010th Street on the Eau Claire/Dunn County line. The Deputy observed a car speeding and when at attempt was made to stop the car, the car accelerated and sped away. The Deputy pursued the vehicle for a short distance, then reported that the vehicle had gone into the ditch and overturned several times before coming to rest on its roof. The
Read MoreThere’s still no new name for the park along Forest Street in Eau Claire, and there may not be for a little while. Eau Claire’s city council last night delayed any decision about the name for another two weeks. The planners of the nearby Veterans Tribute Trail and some neighbors have been arguing for weeks over what to call the park. The vets say they’re going to take the two weeks and decide what they want to do.
Read MoreThere will be a few extra bucks in the money clip for some residents in Chippewa. County leaders this week said they do not plan to renew the county’s wheel tax. Drivers started paying the 10 dollar-a-year tax back in 2015 to give the county more money for county highways. The tax expires at the end of this year, and the county board says they will not renew it.
Read MoreThe sheriff in La Crosse County says two people are fighting for their lives after they hit a deer with their motorcycle. It happened about 9 p.m. last night on Highway 33 in the Town of Greenfield. Deputies say the man and the woman on the bike were rushed to the hospital with ‘substantial’ injuries.
Read MoreHunters in the state are asking for mandatory Chronic Wasting Disease testing across Wisconsin this fall. A task force of hunters yesterday asked the state’s Department of Natural Resources to require testing on all deer shot this fall. Wisconsin is trying to get a handle on CWD, which is deadly to the state’s deer population.
Read MoreDairy farmers in Wisconsin and across the country are losing patience with Congress. The American Dairy Coalition yesterday sent an open letter to members of the U.S. House urging them to vote on the U.S.-Canada-Mexico Agreement. Coalition President Walt Moore says the lack of a trade agreement with Canada and Mexico is hurting dairy farmers. He says without the deal the recession in the dairy industry will only get worse. President Trump signed the agreement last fall, but Congress has yet to
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