The Eau Claire Police Department has been notified Sex Offender Jeffrey J. Bonnin (DOB: 02/23/1972) will be released From the Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center on May 22, 2019. Bonnin will remain under the supervision of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services indefinitely and will be under supervision of Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Bonnin was convicted in Eau Claire County of the following crimes:
Attempted Second Degree Sexual Assault (July 28, 1995)
Second Degree Sexual Assault of a Child (August 1, 1995)
Felony Bail Jumping (October 30, 1995)
Attempted First Degree Sexual Assault (April 24, 1996)
Bonnin was court ordered to be released to a residence on the 2400 block of Fifth Street in the City of Eau Claire. This address is temporary until a permanent address is identified.
His release restrictions include:
Lifetime GPS monitoring.
Confinement to the interior of the residence.
Can only leave the residence in the company of a DHS contracted chaperone.
Cannot be within 1500 feet of a park, playground, library, school, church, or recreation trail. Will be verified through
GPS tracking.
No contact with minors.
Cannot drink alcohol or enter a tavern.
Cannot possess electronic devices.
Comply with all requirements as a lifetime registrant of Wisconsin’s Sex Offender Registration Program.