Slow Moving Vehicle Signs Available

Slow Moving Vehicle Signs Available

Slow Moving Vehicle signs are being distributed to farmers and residents free of charge through an expanded partnership involving Marshfield Clinic Research Institute’s National Farm Medicine Center, Rural Mutual Insurance Co., H&S Manufacturing, Nasonville Dairy, and Wisconsin Farm Technology Days.

A Slow Moving Vehicle sign is a reflective orange triangle bordered with red that warns other road users that the vehicle displaying the sign is traveling slower than the normal speed of traffic.

When motorists encounter a slow-moving vehicle on the roadway they should:
•Slow down immediately
•Increase following distance to create a safety cushion
•Be alert and watch for unexpected turns
•Pass with care only when it is safe and legal to do so
•Be aware that animal-powered vehicles may make unanticipated movements
•Be aware that equipment in tow may sway on the road
•Remember slow-moving vehicle operators may have poor visibility due to loads and
equipment in tow

Operators of farm tractors and other equipment should be aware that the slow-moving vehicle triangle should be placed in the center of the back end of the vehicle, located two to six feet above the road, and kept clean and replaced when faded. Each piece of agricultural equipment, whether self-propelled or used in combination, must separately display the required emblems.

Vehicles drawn by animals (horse & buggy) must display on the rear either a slow-moving vehicle triangle or a lighted lantern with a red lens at least four inches in diameter, with the center of the lens to be 42 inches above the ground, the lantern to be near the left edge of the vehicle. The vehicle also should have 72 square inches of a high quality white or whitish-gray reflective tape.

Free Slow Moving Vehicle signs can be picked up at Farm Technology Days from Tuesday, August 13 through Thursday, August 15, and at the Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office following the event and pending availability.
Chippewa County Emergency Management
(After August 15)
Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office
32 E. Spruce St.
Chippewa Falls, WI, 54729

Farm Technology Days
(Tuesday August 13 – Thursday August 15 only)
Chippewa Valley Music Festivals
2447 County Hwy S
Cadott, WI, 54727

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