WI Sees Wages Boost

WI Sees Wages Boost

Wisconsin’s governor is doing a victory lap over the latest paycheck numbers.

Governor Tony Evers yesterday said numbers from the federal government show Wisconsin led the nation in hourly earnings growth. His office says figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that Wisconsin workers saw their earnings go-up seven-point-nine-percent, six-point-four-percent, four-point-four-percent, and six-point-two-percent, respectively, for February, March, April, and May compared to last year. The average hourly-earning ranged from 31-dollars and 63-cents in Eau Claire to just under 35-dollars an-hour in the Milwaukee area. But those are just the average-hourly-earnings. Wisconsin’s median salary last year was just over 47 thousand-dollars a year. And any hourly-wage-growth is, of course, offset by other price increases in gas, grocery, and home prices.

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