State, Local Leaders Address Health Care

State, Local Leaders Address Health Care

 State Sen. Jeff Smith and State Rep. Jodi Emerson, along with Chippewa Valley advocates, will speak at the Chippewa Valley Free Clinic about the local impacts posed by this legislative session’s only comprehensive bill to curb the skyrocketing healthcare costs.

The plan would lower healthcare costs throughout the state and create more affordable healthcare options for Chippewa Valley families. All told, the BadgerCare Public Option Bill opens Wisconsin’s BadgerCare program for everyone who does not have good coverage through their job. It would expand eligibility well beyond traditional Medicaid Expansion, including families of four making up to $60,000. People who make more than that could buy in at cost, and use Affordable Care Act subsidies to help with premiums.

Additionally, small employers, only one-third of which can currently afford to provide health coverage to their employees, could buy into BadgerCare at much lower cost and without the high deductibles and claims denials common in private insurance. If you would like to hear more, the detail are:


  • State Representative Jodi Emerson (Democrat from 91st Assembly District – Eau Claire)
  • State Senator Jeff Smith (Democrat from the 31st Senate District – Town of Brunswick)
  • Maribeth Woodford, Executive Director, Chippewa Valley Free Clinic 
  • Kate Felton, small business owner, Eau Claire Outdoors
  • Dr. Rita Simon, MD
  • Jeremy Gragert, Northwestern Co-op Organizer, Citizen Action of Wisconsin
  • Additional speakers may be added later 

WHEN: Friday, November 17 at 11:00 AM

WHERE: Chippewa Valley Free Clinic, 1030 Oak Ridge Drive, Eau Claire, WI 54701 

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