Hope Gospel Mission Expands

Hope Gospel Mission Expands

Hope Gospel Mission is excited to open the new expansion of the Short Stay living space at the Hope
Renewal Center for Men. The expanded facility will provide 24 beds and a stable environment for those
struggling with homelessness; making it possible for short stay residents to work towards acquiring safe
housing, stable employment, and a workable budget.

“As the need continues to rise, we want to make a greater impact and we cannot do this without
community help.”

This expansion doubles the number of beds, enlarges the bathroom, living room, laundry areas, and
provides a new, state of the art, safer modular bed system. The new sleeping area will provide the space
needed to improve social distancing and create a more private, dignified, and restful environment.
“We look forward to be able to help more people in difficult situations get back on their feet, back into
the workforce and find stable long-term housing.” said Sandi Polzin, Executive Director at Hope Gospel
Mission. “As the need continues to rise, we want to make a greater impact and we cannot do this without
community help.”

Hope Gospel Mission offers comprehensive, holistic programming to help men, women and women with
children struggling with homelessness and addiction in western Wisconsin. As the need in our region
continues to grow, Hope Gospel Mission desires to be a resource where lives are rescued, rebuilt and

Continued community support, compassion and involvement is critical in providing programming to our
community members in need of help. To learn more about this expansion project call Hope Gospel
Mission (715)552-5566 ext. 1300 or find out more WITH AN EASY CLICK HERE.

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