It’s Not “Snow” Bad! Local Efforts Promote Outdoor Options in Winter

It’s Not “Snow” Bad! Local Efforts Promote Outdoor Options in Winter

While getting fit is a common New Year’s resolution, the cold weather months can discourage people from taking advantage of many local recreational opportunities.

That is why Chippewa Health Improvement Partnership and Go Chippewa County want to make getting active outdoors a little more rewarding this winter. The countywide health coalition and tourism branch of the Chippewa Falls Area Chamber of Commerce will hold the first On the Go in the Snow: Chippewa Winter Challenge from January through March to encourage local residents to explore the unique opportunities for physical fitness this time of year offers.

All participants in the promotion will receive a challenge sticker and enter into monthly drawings for prizes. To participate, simply engage in at least 30 minutes of outdoor activity in a single day in Chippewa County, then e-mail a picture of the activity with your name, contact information, and the date and location of the activity to or message that information to the Chippewa Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP) Facebook page.

For those not sure where to start, the Go Chippewa County website provides a host of ideas –
and locations across the county for outdoor winter recreation.
Get there with a CLICK HERE.

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