Dunn Co. Voters Will See Health Insurance Referendum On Ballot

Dunn Co. Voters Will See Health Insurance Referendum On Ballot

The Dunn County Board recently passed a resolution to put a referendum on the November ballot asking voters if congress and the President should enact a publicly funded National Health Insurance program. 

In June, Dr. Lorene Vedder of Menomonie WI presented a potential advisory ballot question proposal regarding a National Health Insurance program to Dunn County’s Executive Committee. On July 20th the Legislative  committee voted unanimously to send it to the full county board. 

This Wednesday July 27th the full county board voted unanimously to put the question on the November ballot in Dunn County. 

Dr. Vedder in tandem with local volunteers and members of groups called Our Wisconsin Revolution (OWR) and Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) organized the campaign to bring many speakers from the community and to compose the language of the referendum. To see more from the county board meeting, CLICK HERE.

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