WI Coronavirus Cases Holding Steady

WI Coronavirus Cases Holding Steady

Wisconsin’s coronavirus count is holding steady.

The state’s Department of Health Services on Friday said doctors and nurses are averaging 26 thousand vaccine doses and 18 thousand booster shots per-day. That’s about where the state has been for weeks, though there was a spike in reported doses last month when kids under 12 first became eligible for the shots. So far, DHS says over three-and-a-half million people have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine, and over one-point-three million of them have gotten a booster shot. CLICK HERE FOR MORE FROM WI DHS.

 It’s not just humans, most of the animals at the Henry Vilas Zoo have gotten their coronavirus shots.

Zoo managers yesterday said about 80 percent of animals have gotten at least one dose. Animals can catch and spread the coronavirus, so zookeepers say it’s important to vaccinate them. The 80 percent vaccinated rate for the zoo is almost in-line with Dane County’s vaccinated numbers for humans.

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