Taking the Lid Off Cannery District Plans

Taking the Lid Off Cannery District Plans

Nestled on the bank of the Chippewa River, the Cannery District is envisioned as a maker’s district with mixed-use development and a robust park collection.

The Cannery District park’s collection is currently in the design phase. City of Eau Claire staff has met with Cannery District neighborhoods, collected over 800 responses to a community survey, and met with various user groups and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. From these meetings and surveys, two park designs have been created. The City of Eau Claire now invites the community to review these plans and give input on the features incorporated into these designs. The idea is not to choose one park design or the other, but rather, review each
plan and then provide feedback and share comments which will help create the final design.

On each interactive map, residents can see the overall look of the park and click on individual features to give a thumbs-up, offer a suggestion or idea, or raise a concern. Interactive park maps can be found WITH A CLICK HERE.

https://confluence.mysocialpinpoint.com/cannery-district-parks Input is being accepted until December 20, 2021.
Learn more about the Cannery Parks Project here: CLICK FOR MORE INFO.

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