Natural Immunity Vs. Vaccine

Natural Immunity Vs. Vaccine

The nation’s COVID vaccine mandates do not account for natural immunity, and some believe that’s not fair. 

However, Baylor infectious disease expert Dr. Peter Hotez says catching the virus, and then recovering, is far from a one-size-fits-all scenario.

Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy is filing a bill that would require Health and Human Services to compile data on the effectiveness of natural immunity.  A recent CDC study found those who caught COVID, and developed antibodies, were five times more likely to get re-infected than those who are fully vaccinated.

Baylor infectious disease expert Dr. Peter Hotez says some people who catch COVID develop a ton of antibodies, but others develop very little immunity.

Dr. Hotez says there are some studies out there which show natural immunity is not as good as the shot.

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