The Eau Claire Area School District is forming an Equity Steering Committee to help achieve the goals and commitments made in the Equity statement adopted by the School Board and District on March 1, 2021.
The purpose of the ECASD Equity Steering Committee is to guide and advise ECASD in how to fulfill the tenets of the adopted Equity statement, guide and advise ECASD in policy review and revisions to create more equitable policies and practices, and advise the 3-5 year Equity Outcome work for Board policy Operational Expectation 2 – Equity Commitment.
ECASD will seek members from groups historically marginalized in our system, and will include parents, middle and high school students, staff, and community members. An Informational Session is being held on Wednesday, July 14, 6:30-7:30 p.m. for those interested in learning more about the Equity Steering Committee.
The location of the Informational Session will be determined closer to the event based on the number of attendees who have RSVP’d. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.