Local school leaders in Eau Claire are among those asking state lawmakers for more money.
School boards and school superintendents across the state yesterday held a series of news conferences to push Republican lawmakers for more. Eau Claire Superintendent Michael Johnson says the two-point-five billion-dollars Wisconsin schools have for the next year is tied to coronavirus costs. He says there needs to be more money for teacher salaries and on-going costs. But Republican State Senator Kathy Berneir says Eau Claire schools are getting an extra 18 hundred-dollars per-student in the new state budget. She says there’s more money for public education in the state than ever before.

While we are in the classroom, some school choice groups in Wisconsin say ‘the education governor’ is hurting kids who simply want a better education.
The Wisconsin Federation for Children yesterday said Governor Evers’ veto of a plan that would have expanded the state’s Parental Choice voucher program means working class families will remain shut out of a better education. The expansion would have allowed more families to choose where their kids go to school. The governor says he doesn’t want to expand the program because he doesn’t want to take money away from traditional public schools.