The police chief in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota says it appears the officer who shot and killed Daunte Wright thought she was using her taser.
Police Chief Tim Gannon made the comment today at a news conference along with showing with body camera video of Sunday’s shooting. Police had stopped the 20-year-old for expired license tags.
The governor of Minnesota says “it doesn’t have to be this way” as his state deals with two high-profile police shootings involving Black men.
Democrat Tim Walz said there is trauma in his community and it only grows worse when folks feels no one is listening. His comments come after a violent night of protests over the police shooting death of Daunte Wright in the city of Brooklyn Center. The new protests came just as the trial of ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin entered week three. He’s accused of killing George Floyd last May during an arrest. Walz promised to hold hearings and pass legislation aimed at stopping things like the loss of life during a routine traffic stop.
Mayor Mike Elliott says this could not have come at a worse time.